HYDROX – Dallas; 10K Turkey Trot – Phoenix

Happy Thanksgiving weekend!

We’d like to recognize longtime Camelback Coaching athletes, Russell Vanbeber and Joan McGue.

Russell has been with us for over 10 years! He has raced several Ironman triathlons but recently did a new Event called HYROX. This event is a fitness-based challenge that includes completing 8 strength exercises with a 1km run between each station. Russell successfully completed his first HYROX last weekend in Dallas. You can read more about HYROX events here – https://hyrox.com/the-fitness-race/

Joan has been with us for 17 years!! She just raced a Turkey Trot 10K here in Phoenix, finishing in 1:08, and took 2nd in her AG. She was awarded a nice bottle of wine for her place!

Congratulations Joan and Russell!