Gila monster sighting! McDowell Mountain Regional Park
We’d like to recognize Terry Crowley of Chicago and Ed Wallis of Memphis for races from last weekend.
Terry raced the 4x4x48 in Illinois. This event requires running 4 miles every 4 hours for 48 hours. It is quite the grueling event. Terry finished well and is looking forward to running the Leadville 50-mile run in July.
Ed raced a sprint tri on the Gulf Coast and had quite the experience. He rounded a sandy corner on the bike and took a nasty fall. Despite the road rash, shock and damaged bike, he picked himself up and raced on to finish fourth in his AG! He suffered no broken bones and is healing up well this week. It is never fun to crash in a race but it does happen. Ed showed some true grit in fighting on. This spirit will serve him well as he is looking to race his first IMAZ this fall.
Finally, it’s always a treat to watch the critters emerging from hibernation in the spring. Bill saw this gila monster on his hike this evening!
Have a great weekend!