Happy Friday, everyone! Here are some great race results to start your weekend!
Memphis 10K Trail run
Kemp Conrad – 45:31 – 1st in Div!
Hot to Hustle 5K, AZ
Jon Byron – 20:45 – PR!
Behind the Rocks 50K, Moab UT
Craig Conley finished the notoriously difficult and beautiful course in 8:17.
Peter Ney ran the Race 4 the Blind 5K and finished in 17:30. He took third overall!
Frank Smith (pictured) had an impressive month of racing! After dealing with a leg injury for most of last year, Frank has been back at it accumulating more miles and races. He just finished the Mainly Marathons Gulf Coast series and the Mainly Marathons Appalachian series. These series essentially involve running a marathon a day for up to a week straight. For March, Frank has done a 10K race, a half marathon and 7 marathons!
Congratulations to all our athletes!